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I am pleased to organize a free webinar on the design-comparable effect size (D-CES) for single-case design (SCD) studies. This webinar is intended primarily for researchers and applied analysts interested in quantifying SCD intervention effectiveness.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to SCD and D-CES

  • Appropriate use of D-CES in the context of the WWC

  • Advantages and disadvantages of D-CES relative to other effect sizes appropriate for SCDs

  • Use of the web-based shiny application scdhlm to calculate D-CES

  • Walkthrough of calculating and interpreting the D-CES with example data

Presenters: Mariola Moeyaert, University at Albany – State University of New York Daniel M. Swan, What Works Clearinghouse

Moderator: Emily Tanner-Smith, What Works Clearinghouse

October 13, 2020 2:00–3:00 p.m. Eastern Time Register here:

This 2-day meta-analysis workshop provides hands-on exposure to the process involved in conducting a meta-analysis from the planning stage, through the selection of appropriate statistical techniques, through the issues involved in analyzing data, to the interpretation of results. Examples and case studies from the social sciences will be integrated into the discussions and lectures. Day 1 and day 2 of the workshop are designed independently, which allows participants to sign up for one or multiple days depending on their interest and level of experience.

As the amount of research studies is growing exponentially, meta-analytic techniques play a crucial role as they enable to:

- Quantitatively synthesize results across studies to make general conclusions;

- Reduce sampling error;

- Contribute to evidence-based decisions in practice, policy and research.

- Provide detailed information (e.g., what works, when, where, for who and at which cost).

This is significant as researchers, practitioners and policy makers are unable to read all research, reports, texts, etc. In addition, meta-analysis explains contradictory results, prevents politicians to use results that can ‘prove’ their statements, opens a conversation between researchers (questioning the results of each other) and deals with the failure of traditional qualitative reviews.

Consider the following opportunity to learn more about this power technique:

Stay tuned as webinars, workshops and trainings will be offered on a regular basis.

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